
Our Butternut Squash


Our Butternut Squash

At Ritmo Veggies we grow the peanut squash, also called butternut squash, Pluto type. It is an elongated, pear-shaped pumpkin with cream-coloured skin and orange flesh, highly resistant to cracking and able to retain its properties for months.


Cultivation of butternut squash –

This type of crop needs a lot of sunlight and a temperature between 20 and 25°C to develop optimally. It is not a soil-demanding crop but appreciates weeding.

It is advisable to sow in seedbeds and to transport the plants to the field once they have developed their first leaves and numerous white roots.

As for watering, it needs a lot of water, but it is important to avoid the accumulation of moisture to prevent mildew from appearing on the plant.

Best time of year

Peanut or butternut squash is a crop that does not like cold weather, so sowing should start in the early spring. They are harvested from the summer until October, and thanks to their durability they can be kept for months, being available on the market practically all year round.

Production areas

The cultivation of this type of pumpkin in Spain takes place mainly in the Valencian Community and the Region of Murcia, although it can also be found in other areas such as Castilla-La Mancha or Castilla y León.


We have 5 hectares dedicated to the cultivation of this vegetable in the municipality of San Miguel de Salinas, in the province of Alicante.

Benefits of butternut squash

Some are:

Butternut squash contains a high percentage of water and a very low-calorie content, which makes it an excellent diuretic and a very good option if our aim is to lose weight.

It is high in fibre, vitamins C and A, as well as minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron.

Its properties make it a suitable vegetable for people with kidney or cardiovascular diseases or high blood pressure.

It helps us to take care of our immune system and to improve our digestion.

The benefits of this vegetable are not only limited to its pulp. Pumpkin seeds are rich in antioxidants and tryptophan, which helps us get a better night’s sleep.


Get in touch with us!

If you are looking for more information or need help, you can call us at +34 617 380 950.

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